One Direction: la canzone per le mamme… da ridere. VIDEO!


Mum Direction” è la canzone dei Big Clown Little Clown, band formata da Dave Cribb e Luke Franks, dedicata alle mamme degli One Direction: Anne (Harry Styles), Jay (Louis Tomlinson), Karen (Liam Payne), Maura (Niall Horan) e Trisha (Zayn Malik). Quando Anne l’ha sentita per la primva volta, ha detto: “Ho sentito la canzone quando Luke e Dave me l’hanno mandato, la adoro! I ragazzi hanno un buon senso dell’umorismo e sono ironici. So come sia difficile raccogliere soldi per un ente di beneficenza e l’aiuto che questo porterà a Believe in Magic è meraviglioso. E’ difficile chiedere sempre alla gente di ‘dare, dare, dare’, la canzone dà alle persone la possibilità di aiutare, ottenendo qualcosa in cambio. E’ fantastico e vorrei personalmente ringraziare i ragazzi per conto di BIM“. Infatti, è possibile scaricare “Mum Direction” da iTunes a 0.99 euro: i soldi raccolti verranno dati in beneficenza a Believe in Magic, associazione che si occupa di realizzare i sogni dei bambini affetti da gravi malattie.

Il video si apre con la scritta: “Cinque ragazzi che abbiamo imparato a conoscere e amare, ma dietro ogni bravo figlio c’è una grande mamma…” Ecco tutto il testo della canzone!

Mum Direction

This sweet beat goes out to the One Direction mums,
For those who couldn’t give two flips about their sons
And I know you’re probably the biggest 1D fan, but…
I prefer Tricia, Maura, Karen, Jay and Anne.

First up! Who we got? It’s Zayn’s mum Tricia,
We’ve not even met her yet, but we still miss her
She admits that she cries every time her boy leaves home
But to remember him she’s got a Zayn cover on her mobile phone

Word up to Niall and his mum Maura
I don’t know what it is, she just got this aura.
Go Maura do your thing, yo, repping the Irish,
We’ve heard she gives Niall fashion tips, that’s why he’s so stylish
(there’s not many words that rhyme with Irish)

This sweet beat goes out to the One Direction mums,
For those who couldn’t give two flippin’ motherflippin’ flips about their sons (MOTHERFLIPPER!)
And I know you’re probably the biggest 1D fan, but…
I prefer Tricia, Maura, Karen, Jay and Anne.

Liam’s mum Karen, she’s up next
Karen is a nurse so much respect
We heard on the grapevine Liam bought his mum a beemer,
Now she rollin on 20s when she goes to treat a damaged femur (medically accurate rhyme!)

It’s time for Harry’s mum now, Anne Cox is in the place
She’s the one you’ve got to thank for Harry’s pretty face
No wonder that happened, she’s a beautiful lady
I’m sending you my number Anne, so call me maybe?

Now listen Mr Cowell, have we got your full attention?
We want to see a new band formed, and we’ll call it Mum Direction
We’re sure they’ll be commercially successful like their boys
and the merchandising’s easy, we’ll make Mum Direction toys

Now we’re nearly at the end, that I’m sad to say
But we’ve still got one more mum and that’s Louis’ mum Jay
She must be a hero, he texts her seven times a day
And when he’s at home she brings him dinner on a tray.
(Probably not true, but it rhymes, so that’s fine)

Karen, Maura, Tricia, Jay and Anne.
Let it be known that we’re your biggest fans…
And whatever your boys do, know we always love you more – we love you all!

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